A stream of support, a shower of love, and an ocean of belief in YOU?
If you’re looking for:
- a birth team member who holds space and allows your support person to be fully immersed in the arrival of your baby
- someone who is entirely there to hear and help you…
You’ve come to the right person!
Hello and congratulations on your impending arrival!
Welcome to a time like no other – a time of love, instinct, and excitement.
What a complex beauty the birthing journey is.
The way the woman’s body works with her baby so intuitively when allowed is just magic.
Unfortunately, the fog of the unknown and the pressure of a rigid birthing system can interfere and prevent women feeling confident enough to believe in their natural ability.
Luckily, I believe in YOU to overcome these barriers and prepare yourself into the birth you deserve, a birth of CHOICE, a birth of STRENGTH, and a birth of POSITIVITY.
I’m here to work with you and your birth partner to explore and navigate the paths of this journey, through visual resources, research-based information, and personal movement.
You will lead this birth team with your wants and needs, while I provide the necessary information, emotional support, and ongoing belief and care that leads you to birth informed and in control.
Bring me on board to be your greatest supporter and helping hand.
Let me join you on getting started on getting back to a self-belief-based birth.
My name is Amber Adin, and I am a doula who has completed extensive online and face to face doula training at the Doula Training Academy with Vicki Hobbs.
If you would like more information about my doula services please contact me:
Business name:
Amber Adin – Halara Doula
0424 769 924
[email protected]