Carly Dart - Student Doula

Hey beautiful humans

My name is Carly, and I am a birth and postpartum doula, supporting you and your family in the beautiful process of birthing your babe/s and beyond; into the fourth trimester.

I’m 28 and I am living in Geelong, Victoria! I’m married (12years) with 2 kids under two and a 12-year-old Bella Cat.

It is with a great honour to me that I can offer my services at such a special time for you and your family.

After my beautiful Hypnobirthing experience that my husband and I rocked together, I birthed our first bub in January 2020, and I absolutely LOVED it!

I had another bub in May 2021 and 6 months later I decided to follow my calling and put all my knowledge and experience into effect and started my doula training. Talking about birth excites me, I had a neighbour say, “oh you’re that type of person” 😂

My background career is childcare, so I’ve always loved children! My husband and I opened a butcher shop in 2016 and recently sold it in January 2022.

Motherhood hit me like a ton of bricks and 3 weeks in I was suffering anxiety, by 6 weeks I admitted myself into a mother and baby unit because I was having intrusive thoughts, I was scared and couldn’t stop crying. I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety. I stayed in that unit for two weeks, which was in Ballarat.

I started an Instagram page to speak up about not suffering in silence and my recovery and it’s been slowly evolving just as my life has been.

Which brings me to now, I have a huge drive to want woman to experience amazing births just as our God given right it is, and also emphasize the importance of restoration and help during the postpartum period too.

I also share my testimony of Jesus Christ on my website, which I came to Christ in late 2021. After such a huge shift in identity and all the ups and downs of the last 3-year journey, I have never been able to find more peace than the reassurance that Christ has overcome this world. With the current times of uncertainty and overwhelm I can hold fast in my knowledge of our saviour.

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

It would be a delight to chat more about your pregnancy, your possible fears, your hopes, and dreams and to help you become so knowledgeable you feel empowered, just like I was.

If you would like more information about my doula services, please contact me:

[email protected]



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