Hi, my name is Daniella, and I’m an Adelaide based student doula.
My first experience of birth was when I was 13 and by my mums side as she birthed my sister. 14 months later I witnessed the birth of my second sister and to say that those experiences had a big impact on me would certainly be an understatement. It was then that a deep-rooted appreciation for the strength that women hold was planted.
It is my most fervent belief that women are absolutely amazing and the fact that the female body is the only thing on earth that is powerful enough to create, bring in to being and sustain another life just blows my mind.
Something that Meghan Markle once said really stuck with me:
“Women don’t need to find a voice, they have a voice; they need to feel empowered to use it, and people need to be encouraged to listen,” and I believe it is hugely relevant within the birthing sphere.
Through my training and experience, I’m understanding more and more that women have an innate knowing and wisdom that we need to be encouraged to tune in to within our own bodies.
As a doula, I am able to provide in depth knowledge and a wealth of evidence-based research so you know your options and feel empowered to advocate for your wants and needs and make sure they’re heard.
It is my promise to you that I will do everything in my power to be there for you emotionally and physically without judgement and remind you when you’re in the thick of it, that you CAN do this. I’ll be by your side, working with you and your partner (if you have one) to help you have the most positive birth experience you possibly can, whatever that looks like for you.
My name is Daniella Casey-Lowe and I am a Doula who has completed extensive training at the Doula Training Academy with Vicki Hobbs. I am based in Adelaide and if you would like to talk more about your birthing options, please contact me:
Business Email:
[email protected]
0427 724 277
Instagram Link: