Manju Lahrech

My name is Manju, I am a certified doula based in Naarm (Melbourne).

I offer birth and post-partum support services, approaching pregnancy, birth, and the post-partum period holistically. Drawing on my modern training and ancestral knowledge, I support women in aligning their physical, emotional, and spiritual selves to give the birth that they want.

Apart from providing physical and emotional support, I advocate for the birthing woman’s rights, needs, and desires, and ensure they feel safe and educated.

I have always been inspired by the strength of women and birthing people in all areas. This paired being a fierce advocate for women and gender diverse peoples’ rights, especially in the realm of medicine, led me to finding my calling as a birth and post-partum doula, where these two converge.

As a woman of colour, myself, with Indian and Moroccan heritage, who grew up between Belgium and Singapore I have a special interest in working with people from culturally/ethnically diverse backgrounds, from marginalised communities, or anyone who has an interest in an approach to birth and the postpartum period which combines modern scientific knowledge with traditional wisdom specific to my cultural backgrounds.

I frequently attend workshops and other training to expand my repertoire to offer you the holistic and well-rounded care you deserve.

My name is Manju Lahrech, and I am a qualified doula who has trained at the Doula Training Academy. If you would like more information about my doula services, please contact me to find out more:

0415 815 246

[email protected]





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