Why are birth plans important?
What is a birth plan? Why have a birth plan? Are they important? A birth plan is just what it sounds like – a plan …
What is a birth plan? Why have a birth plan? Are they important? A birth plan is just what it sounds like – a plan …
The complete Australian guide to Pregnancy and Birth by Sophie Walker and Jodi Wilson Book Review written by Doula Emily Wagner I wish I had …
Book Review – The Complete Australian Guide to Pregnancy and Birth Read More »
What to expect in the Fourth Trimester and the first 12 weeks after having baby is a very overwhelming experience for some parents and for …
On the 16th of October 1992 I had a FSE inserted because I had pre-eclampsia. I was 20 years old and pregnant with my first …
If you’re familiar with the term ‘induction of labour’ (IOL) or just ‘induction’ when talking about birth, the chances are you’ve heard about ‘cervical ripening’. …
Birth Book – by Justine Zappa Book Review written by Perth doula Samantha Merrie A unique interactive resource like no other which is exactly why …
Why Postnatal Recovery Matters – By Sophie Messager Book Review by Perth doula Aimee Duckworth. A baby is born. While the new mother was pregnant, …
After being with women in East Africa and all throughout Asia as they birthed their babies, I can say with confidence: no matter where you …
It is human nature to have fear, and it is very common for women to experience fear around birth. After all what you see on …
“Your Baby, Your Birth” written by Hollie De Cruz Book review by Emma Furner (Doula) Introduction: “Your Baby, Your Birth” by Hollie De Cruz is …